Difference between MSDE and SQL Server Express 2005

SQL SERVER Express edition is a cut down version of SQL SERVER 2005 and the next evolution of MSDE(MSDE is a cut down version of SQL Server 2000).

  • MSDE maximum database size is 2GB but in SQL SERVER Express has around 4GB.

  • In terms of programming language support MSDE has only TSQL, but SQLSERVER Express has TSQL and .NET.

  • SQL SERVER Express does not have connection limitation, which MSDE had and was controlled through the Workload governer.

  • There was no XCOPY support for MSDE, SQL SERVER Express has it.

  • DTS is not present in SQL SERVER express while MSDE has it.

  • SQL SERVER Express has reporting services while MSDE does not.

  • SQL SERVER Express has native XML support and MSDE does not.

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